A Saturday Strategist Reflects: Investment in Japan - Aridni
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A Saturday Strategist Reflects: Investment in Japan

These days, it is very hot and humid in Tokyo. Investing is getting hot, too. Thanks to evolution of internet, investing is becoming a lot easier for everyone, especially in Japan. Not so many people were buying and selling stocks about 10 years ago. Playing the stock was not for the general public here. Nowadays, however, even college students are making money on the stock market because people can buy and sell stocks through internet. For those of who do not want to take much risk, banks and stock brokerage firms are offering investment trusts.

Not only the general public but also Japanese companies are changing. Japanese companies used to grow their assets for retirement allowance. Companies were responsible for granting retirement allowance for their employees. Now, more and more company let employees manage their own retirement allowances, which are just like a 401K.

I just graduated from the university and began working in the real world. I realized that it is not easy to make money for anyone. The Japanese economy is getting better, and I’m earning some money to play with. Maybe, it’s time to consider playing the stock.

Today we’re thrilled to feature the reflections of Yuka, a recent college graduate working in Tokyo. She says that she’s still not sure what her job title is. In Japan, you are hired based on your fit in a company’s atmosphere. They take you through training and decide where you’ll best fit their needs. When Yuka isn’t working, she loves travel, friends, and challenges… maybe even investing a bit??

If you are interested in investing beyond national boarders into hot places like Japan to diversify your portfolio, you run some additional risks:
1. currency exchange rate
2. political or economic instability and crisis
3. different rules and regulations like taxes

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