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Unexpected investment tips from Warren Buffet

This article written by Katie

As the cold weather starts to set in, I thought we could all use a few chuckles today. I’m currently reading “The Warren Buffet Way” and got a kick out of this paragraph (pg 89):

Buying an underwear maker [Fruit of the Loom] creates lots of opportunities for corny jokes, and Buffet, an accomplished punster, made the most of it. At the 2002 shareholders meeting, when asked the obvious question, he teased the audience with a half answer: “When I wear underwear at all, which I rarely do…” Leaving the crowd to decide for themselves whether it’s boxers or briefs for Buffett. He pointed out why there’s “a favorable bottom line” in underwear: “It’s an elastic market.” Finally, he deadpanned, Charlie Munger had given him an additional reason to buy the company:

“For years Charlie has been telling me, ‘Warren, we have to get into women’s underwear.’ Charlie is 78. It’s now or never.”

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A Czech Woman’s Lessons on Money & Freedom from Communism

This article written by Katie

Can you measure your life beyond your net worth? I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of my transactions revolve around a mental note of how much wealth I want. But what’s the point of more money in your life?

I spent the last week in a hospice in Germany where my husband’s grandmother taught me some great life lessons in her final moments.

1. What’s the point of money if it doesn’t grant you more opportunity and experiences?
My husband’s grandma grew up in Czechoslovakia under communism, which you probably know was a world of black market survival. People who had things to offer like food and medical care were in high demand. You could skip a few bread lines and police punishments if you had something to bribe with. In communism, money meant higher survival. It also meant a chance to escape to the west. Use the resources you are given to create a better life for yourself and others. Don’t steal from the poor; enrich lives.

2. Don’t work for money; let it work for you. Have a reason for wanting money besides just wanting money. After establishing themselves in the west, my husband’s grandparents started with nothing and worked hard to establish a good life. Use money to spoil your guests with the best ice cream, get a good education, own a computer capable of meeting your needs, and travel the world… and not just in five-start, English-speaking countries, for goodness sake!

3. Don’t let anyone else tell you what to do with your money.

Have you ever noticed how many “friends” people who win the lottery have all of a sudden? Everyone has an idea of where your money should go. Some people have your best interest in mind. Most people, of course, have themselves in mind. If you’re working hard with integrity, you have the right to spend your money as you see fit. You have to be smart about your spending and investing, of course. Yet something tells me that if you have worked your way to wealth, you’re going to be smart. Nonetheless…

4. Treat yourself when you’ve earned it, and save and save when you haven’t.
At first, you might think of Dairy Queen treats and French fries. Don’t forget the computers, cell phones, cars, and other fancy upgrades that you “need” and “want”. The media floods us with expectations. How many advertisements tell you that you deserve their product? They don’t even know you! They can’t say what you deserve and what you don’t. Resist the easy ability to dive into debt. It’s hard; you’ve got to try, though. Make smart choices. Live a good life.

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5 Traits of a Successful Person

This article written by Katie

When you think of the people you most admire, you think of successful and happy people. Ever wonder how they became so successful? How did they become so happy in the process of their lives? Bit by bit, I find myself taking these heroes apart–what attributes do these people have that bring them this fulfillment?

I’ve found five traits that all of my role models carry. Five traits we can all work to possess:

1. Listen More. You’ve probably heard this idea a million times. But did you “listen”? It’s easy to start talking about ourselves. The most annoying people I can think of never stop talking about themselves. You can learn more about the world and about people by listening to them.

2. Ask Questions More. The smartest people know how to keep others talking and teaching. By asking questions, people feel appreciated. You’re listening to their ideas. How many times do you start talking at the same time as someone else? In these situations, I’m trying to stop talking. People are more interested in telling you their little stories than hearing yours.

3. Smile More.
Think of old men–the one kissing a girl’s hand, winking, and smiling draws your attention more than the grumpy guy with a frown and bad attitude. Ever wonder if each person is destined to mold into one of those two guys, depending upon the choices we make? Question the perspective you have. Sure it’s snowing outside my window right now and the roads will be icy and crowded. But isn’t spring on its way? I’ll get to listen to more of my audiobook on a long car drive. More snow means a longer ski season… see what I’m getting at?

4. Hold the Door More. My boss has a thing about always being the first through the doorway. He won’t stop to let anyone including a woman or his wife go before him. He probably doesn’t notice this trait in himself, though everyone else does. Watch how you act for a moment. Do you cut others off so that you can go first for everything? Will you pick up someone’s pen if he drops it? Going the extra bit adds charm. And even if no one notices this added charm, it’s better than people noting your lack-there-of.

5. Believe in You More. The trend with people online is that we often don’t show great self-esteem to others. We know we’re good at things. Yet we’re so humble. When you tell people what you do, what your $$ strategy is, and what you want to accomplish, you have to be proud. Don’t mumble about being the secretary for a horrible boss. Think of how you can spice your description up more. I think of it as an interview. To get the best job, you have to express the positive experiences you have had in the past. So why not practice that passion right now?

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Seeking Goals and Reaching Objectives – THIS YEAR

This article written by Katie

Last night, the musician screamed into his microphone, “45 seconds until the new year. Have you made your resolution?”

Did you spend any time reflecting on ways that you wanted to be better this year? Given 45 seconds, I didn’t come up with a foolproof improvement plan. Lucky for me, I have a database of favorite Aridni articles that I often look to for inspiration:

What does it really take to make money? This article guides you in defining and reaching your financial desires

Is it better to let your dreams die or do a poor job? Todd’s had an idea for about a year… but he lacks skill. What does he do? What do you do?

No longer the bride today I celebrated my one-year anniversary this summer and found a finance partner to boot for – I discovered a 5-step plan to seeking goals and reaching objectives.

Are you climbing to the top when there is no top? Before you can get somewhere tomorrow, you have to think of where you are today. Examine the corporate ladder at your office.

Make your success move from the polls to the ballot Women are starting new businesses twice as fast as men. Three success secrets revealed–

One month to impress Define your image in one month, step by step.

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