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Make your success move! Get from the polls to the ballot

In 1920, an American woman was considered ambitious if she cast her vote on Election Day. Now women’s voices can go beyond the polls to actually having a say about who gets on the ballot in the first place. That’s because of women’s increased entrepreneurial success in the private sector which contributes the majority of funds for political campaigns.

According to Millionaire Women, Inc., “women are starting new businesses at twice the rate of men“! (7). Furthermore, “the number of women who are now building businesses has increased two-and-a-half times faster than all U.S. businesses, and female investors are the newest market for brockerage firms to pursue” (8). Now, more than ever, successful women are able to make sizeable campaign contributions to candidates who speak to women’s issues instead of hoping their husbands will support the interests that matter to them.

How can you join this growing crowd of female entrepreneurs? Millionaire Women says that information and inspiration are the two prerequisities to realizing wealth (6). In interviews with female Presidents and CEOs, including Hewlett-Packard Chairman and CEO Carly Fiorina and Avon Chairman and CEO Andrea Jung (8), Millionaire Women discovered that there are three secrets to success.

The first secret is: (Continue reading this article…)

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