Financial Freedom’s Biggest Obstacle - Aridni
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Financial Freedom’s Biggest Obstacle

Last week, I wrote about the three most important steps you need for obtaining financial freedom:
– Setting goals
– Creating behaviors
– Discussing our plans, progress, and reasons for working so hard

What I didn’t mention was THE STRESS! The idea of sipping lattes and drawing game plans sounds relaxing. What a cozy idea! Of course, the stress of time, money, and exhaustion haven’t come into play yet.

The problem, of course, is that nothing is free. After you make the plan, the work begins. A construction company signs a contract to build your office; that’s the easy part over lattes. Then the real work begins; the lattes are gone.

I cannot tell you how many times I have smashed my fingers and sliced my hands in our wealth projects. Before we sought financial freedom, I had no idea what true exhaustion was. I’m so exhausted that I feel like I could pass out by the end of the day. The physical pain is the easiest, though.

Then I have to think about money, scheduling, and time. Problems keep popping up–some I know how to solve immediately. For most, I have no clue. How, for example, do you tap into a sewer line on a budget?

The emotional pain is never so simple as physical. You’re going to argue with your team; you’re not going to agree. The stress levels increase so much that things that don’t matter feel like life and death’for us, these situations have included silver and gold light fixtures both in the same room. Not to mention that sewer! Yeah, this stuff looks dumb now. Business stresses of time and money in your own business will weigh you down. You can’t always look cool.

Combined with stress in your personal life, you’re overwhelming.

After listening to my husband and I discuss lawns last week, Todd has decided that he’ll never get married. But it’s not the marriage, it’s the business. We’re always thinking about it. Always. I’d rather come up with a lawn plan now than add the stress of a dead lawn to my business plans. I also wouldn’t mind another coffee break.