Think about keeping your customers/readers - Aridni
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Think about keeping your customers/readers

The age-old question every blogger debates: how can I expand my readership? We focus on luring the reader with carnivals, external links, and notes on other blogs. Bring a reader to your door, then it’s on to find the next reader. Most businesses seem to chase after this theory of more customers is more money; it’s better.

But what about the readers you already have? What type of thoughts do you have on retaining them?

As Todd and I work to improve Aridni, I flip through website after website for ideas. I can recall some of the information I read and some of the sites I saw. A lot of blogs lead me to their sites, but they didn’t keep me.

Take twenty minutes to flip from website to website. Your goal isn’t a content search; you’re looking for ideas. What characteristics most draw you to a site? What are the reasons that you leave another site so quickly? Hop from site to site. Notice anything? Your subconscious will set a pattern of what it enjoys and what it doesn’t.

Do the same with your business, your resume, or even the decorative style of your living room. Look at what others do and learn from their ideas.

Will this quick research of others work?

Well think of all of the theme parks that you have ever been to. Which place stands out in your mind the most? For me, the answer is easy – Disney World. Disney is great at luring us to their magic. They’re even better at keeping the customers they already have. They believe in customer loyalty, and when you’re that loyal customer, you feel like royalty. Park guests that are staying at Disney hotels and resorts often get extended hours at the parks. Extra hours with fewer people, now that’s a real treat.

So here’s a real treat for you, too. We’re inviting you to browse through Aridni a bit! While you’re at it, tell us what you think: on Disney’s strategy, on our developing strategy. We, like Disney, love to know what more we can do to make you smile.