Being chicken! and successfully running across the roasting coals - Aridni
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Being chicken! and successfully running across the roasting coals

My life-long, secret dream has always been to build my own company. I have the business idea. I’ve started the idea. And now I’m the deer in the headlights, and I can’t get past it.

Yes, I’m a world-class chicken, afraid of what many of you might think is the dumbest fear: I dread calling people and making decisions without consultation and afraid of answering the phone in fear that I can’t fulfill what the person needs done. How can I manage a business?

The truth: I can’t, not like this.

We all have weaknesses that deter us from our business dreams. No matter how petty, we first have to admit our hesitations. Then we have to jump onto those hot coals. Every day, I ask myself what I’m most fearful of doing… then I do it immediately. I make those dreaded phone calls.

1. Admit: what’s the thing you most fear doing?
2. Do it now: tackle your toughest task. (I’m calling the Simon Legree of my life right now…)