Roll out the carpet or rather bust out the fireworks! - Aridni
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Roll out the carpet or rather bust out the fireworks!

Hello there readers of Aridni. Today is the six month mark that Aridni has been running. It’s also time that we freshened things up a little bit. So with that we’re rolling out a new look.

Later today Todd and Katie will be on with a post about what they have learned in the past six months working on Aridni.

Next Saturday we will continue with the guest articles. If you would like to participate and have your article featured or otherwise would like to know more. Check out the Aridni Contact Page.

There are a couple small little tweaks and changes that we will have to fiddle with in regards to the new look, but nothing major should change with it.

A quick reminder that the carnival of business is being held here at Aridni on the 3rd. If you have an article that you would like to recommend an article it would be appreciated.