Stepping up to the ranks of a million - Aridni
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Stepping up to the ranks of a million

More than half a million people joined the ranks as millionaires world wide last year, bringing the grand total to 8.7 million people. These people hold a combined wealth of $33.3 trillion’imagine how many lemonades on the beach that money could buy!

I made a chart to color in and calculate my growth toward a million by $10k increments. It’s slow going. (Well, it’s really not going at all at this point.)

However despite what a lot of those get-rich books promote, making money actually does take time. The beginning is always the slowest. Yet the first 100k accumulates additional wealth for you without much effort while you continue to calculate moves to add another 100k. Seeing such high numbers of millionaires and the growth of such people proves that you and I can do it. These 8.7 million people weren’t all born rich. Many worked like crazy… worked like you and I plan to work.