They’ll take your pants - Aridni
Personal Finance
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Debt Destruction
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They’ll take your pants

Because Todd and I are committed to educating people on intelligent personal finance decisions while we are still “fresh meat” in the 9 to 5 sphere of life, I’m feeling attacked. Holding our knowledge base at this youthful stage is apparently hot stuff… that an assortment of employers crave. But watch out!

Last week, I went for an interview with a company called World Financial Group who accessed my resume through my former university. The very first questions I was asked were as follows:
1. Are you married? (he saw my wedding ring; I didn’t answer)
2. So how long have you been married? (illegal question! You NEVER have to tell employers these bits of information’EVER)
3. Have any kids?

I considered grabbing my portfolio and running. Then I thought of my readers. I stayed, realizing my “interview” was really a sales pitch’one that you better watch out for, too.

Companies like World Financial pop up everywhere, claiming their dedication to changing people’s lives (in a pyramid scheme!). For every family that I help change their financial plans, I would make $600 a month. Someone tell me how a $600 monthly fee helps anyone.

Scarier yet, the person above me (this man) would make something like $1,000 every month from this same family while the person above him would make $1,200 from the family. (*Numbers based on my memory’may not be 100% accurate since I was not allowed to touch the information packet presentation)

The whole idea is for me to join, “save” families, and hurry to recruit more “saviors” so that I make money off of their work. The first financial sufferers I would save would have to be my own family and friends… for only $2,800 in monthly fees. Then there’s the people raking in bigger salaries at the pryamid’s peak, too…

Needless to say, World Financial failed to steal my pants. Don’t let them snatch yours!