Weekend Warrior! Make money after your 9 to 5 - Aridni
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Weekend Warrior! Make money after your 9 to 5

To increase cash flows, think outside of your traditional work. Instead of spending Saturday afternoon at the mall or WalMart, we’re compiling a list of strategies to help you earn weekend money instead of spending more money at the mall and WalMart, too.

First, make a list of your hobbies and interests.
Do you enjoy fixing your car, scrap booking, ice skating, baking, or working out? Write them down.

Second, which of these areas do you have skill above the average person (i.e. You don’t burn everything you bake)?
Circle each of your talents on the list that you are good at.

Third, start thinking of ways your talents could bring you $$.
Here are some examples:
a. you like to work out: become a personal fitness trainer. Help people set and achieve fitness goals to improve their lifestyles. If you’re good at a fitness crazed area like pilates, tae-bo, or yoga, focus there. The typical hourly rate ranges from $35 to $75. Trainers who work with celebrities make over ten times that.
b. You like baking: become a cake decorator. You’ll need tools, talent, and patience to create the centerpiece of special occasions. Emphasize everything from weddings and anniversaries to birthdays and other holidays.
c. You like baking 2: share your talent by becoming a cooking instructor (which can bring you $25 to $70 an hour). Focus on techniques, tools, and specialized cuisine as well as beautiful food presentation.
d. You’re a wonderful musician: play at parties, weddings, nightclubs: you name it! Depending upon your skill and the demand for your style in your area, revenues can quickly soar.