What’s YOUR Goal? (and a hint at OUR goal) - Aridni
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What’s YOUR Goal? (and a hint at OUR goal)

Profit maximization
You say you want to get rich. What’s rich? A million dollars more doesn’t mean much to Bill Gates.  To a Wal-Mart cashier, a million dollars seems like a fortune. A comfy lifestyle, is it caviar and fine wine or spaghetti and milk? The average household income in the United States is $43,000. Where do you stand, and where would you rather be? Money should be the means for the lifestyle you want and not the end goal.

Todd and I aren’t rich by our measures yet. We’re not experts looking back on our wealth. Instead, we’re studying and exploring ways for us to gain wealth. Along the way, we want to share our ideas and experiences with you. We haven’t entered the rat race of 9-5, convinced that working for someone else is the only solution.  Instead, we’re looking at society and demanding something better for ourselves.  Something we’ve never learned through any of our schooling (including college finance courses).

Our goal: let money work for us because we don’t want to spend our lives working for money. We want lives that equate to more than getting up, going to work, and paying our bills day after day. You’re probably visiting Aridni with the same hopes. Help us along the way as we examine not how to work for a good company, but how to start or buy a good company, invest wisely, and expand our wealth. We’ve all heard the rules (hint: stay away from books by Trump). Now we’re going to figure out how to apply those rules to ourselves. Todd and readers, let’s make some money!