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The Myth of Customer Service

This article written by Todd

Everybody gives great customer service, just ask them!
Have you noticed that a lot of employees just don’t seem to care about the customers where they work?  This attitude seems to be a growing trend.  There is one big problem here, well other than just getting bad service.

The problem is that many people think they are doing a great job and helping out their companies by being abrasive.  They try to enforce rules and take them to extremes to make sure their world stays within these boundaries.  The part that really bothers me is the amount of effort they put in to alienate the customers.

Did you know that if you want to work in Disney World or Disneyland, you actually have to take classes on being friendly?  It’s not just a 30 minute video on customer service either, you spend a couple of days where you have to learn all about the attitude they want displayed.

In casinos and restaurants, people who don’t give good customer service know it because it directly reflects the amount they are paid.  Sure they will have nights where they are stiffed a couple of tips, but overall they get a daily progress report based on the amount they go home with.  If it is consistently lower than the other workers then either you give bad customer service or they are lying about how much they are bringing in.

Once a worker in a tipped position realizes they are not providing the right attitude towards the guests, they learn to change it quick.  Or they live with a more meager income, or they quit.  A person in a tipped position must learn very quickly.  Customer service is their livelihood.

But the rest of the world doesn’t rely on tips doesn’t have such a convenient meter to gauge their performance.  There is a difference between tips and commissions, the first provides and incentive to perform great service for the customer and the second provides incentive to perform great service for the company.

Although performing great for the company can also create perverse incentives.  So much more is emphasis is placed on closing the sale.  While that is important for anybody, there needs to be a way to do it without seeing customers as wallets waiting to be emptied.

I’m not bashing salesmen here, they have to do hard work with uncertain results.  I suppose I am bashing the reward structure that they have.  More emphasis should be placed on retaining customers and making repeat sales.  In order to do that, you need to actually learn about the customer and care.

You need to care about what they want and expect.  And you need to care about what they are looking for and what kind of day they are having.  While it is not the job of the employee to be the therapist for a customer, it is their job to have empathy and try to find the best solution.

While you might not become an empathetic and customer-centric person simply by taking a day long course at Disney World, having companies care enough to set that as a high priority says a lot about them.

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Does this add value to a company?

This article written by Todd

Last summer I was doing some work for a store with a lot of walk in traffic.  It was interesting how diverse the people who came in were, but aside from grandparents, adults, and teenagers coming in as customers we had another group as well.  People trying to sell us things.

They would have these ‘opportunities’ for us that could usually be described as ‘hemorrhaging money from the company.’  This is clearly not the best thing to do, unless you are trying to show a loss for they year.  Yet still we would have a couple of people per week who had no idea about the business come in with plans that offered little to no value.

To be fair, there were some legitimate ideas and a couple were even worth taking up.  For the most part they were a waste of time.

One particular company was basically putting together a local web directory.  To be in the directory you had to do a little interview so they could write a paragraph about your company.  Then they would let you be in the directory to try it out for 90 days.  After that time was over, you needed to shell out some money. $100 bucks per month.

While $100 a month isn’t a whole lot for online advertising, there are much better ways to spend it.  Especially due to the fact that our store’s web page had higher search engine rankings and we were able to track the minimal amounts of traffic that their site brought in.

There is some value in their business model; however it is not quite balanced.  The value that they provide is having another link to your website, presumably marketed to people living in or traveling to the area.  One of the bigger problems about this site was that it was to new.  It didn’t rank well in google for local terms and not a lot of people knew about it.

If they would have also had a deal along the lines of, “If you link to us as well, we’ll give you x% off each month.”  Then they could build up the amount of targeted local traffic to their site buy leaps and bounds.  The more people that link to them, the more valuable their links become.

Any business wants you to provide value to them.  If all you have is a team of salesmen then where does the value come from?

If you are going to pitch your product or service, make sure it benifits enough to justify your pricetag.

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People who can change the world

This article written by Todd

Have you been wondering if now is a time to start your new business or quit your old project? Right now is a great time to get going with your new business. There are plenty of opportunities out there and with so many people focused on the recession or the depression or whatever you want to call it, there is a perfect distraction away from what you are doing.

Building something amazing.

It is interesting that this company is selling phone services, but still they made a great video. So get out there. and get focused. Get determined. And when the economy is running full steam again, you will be ready.

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Resigning and Declining Projects!

This article written by Todd

Something has dawned on me over the past couple of months. I might be a packrat for ideas. By ‘dawned on me’ I mean it has been smashing me over the head with a hammer.

Over the last couple of years I have had so many projects that I wanted to get done. And new projects and million dollar ideas were sprouting up all of the time. Some of them were online, some of them off.

These ideas were across a broad range, everything from building a chess board, building a giant ‘colony size’ ant farm, to creating a program that sent out lottery numbers after every draw (And most of them were just as dorky sounding!).

It’s time that I start retiring a couple of projects of mine. When I get ideas, I want them to happen, so I’ll begin. The problem is that new ideas come and I want them to happen, so I’ll begin. Of course there hasn’t been enough time to complete the original project before starting on the next. This basically means the old project is doomed.

Soon there is another great flash of inspiration and a new project emerges and another becomes doomed.

My final stance is I’m officially closing down some projects. A big problem is that juggling so many things, none of them ever got completed. It’s time to start filling that filing cabinet with those ‘million dollar ideas‘ and start focusing on fewer and fewer.

I’ll be posting quite a few ideas and one-day projects. By one-day projects, I mean “one day I’de like to…” Hopefully there is someone out there that can benefit from some them.

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