And the poetry champ is… - Aridni
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Debt Destruction
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And the poetry champ is…

What fun we have had with this poetry contest! We loved seeing the different poetry styles, technique, and go-for-it ideas you all shared with us. Thanks all!

We told you that we would announce the winners yesterday, though we got a little distracted by a milestone birthday of our mother who came to town. When asked for a piece of agely wisdom, she told everyone at the table, “Be accepting of others.” We hope you can follow her tip and be accepting of our day-late response, too. ;)

This morning, we announce the champion poem, written by efipo. Stay tuned for the random winner to be announced shortly. In the meantime, YEAH, efipo! I think that we can all relate to the words that efipo shares:

I’ve seen many men throw away their money.
I would even point and laugh and think it was funny.
People will buy gold and expensive liquor.
Little do they know, their debt is getting thicker.
I try to explain and tell them you’re way out of sight.
But all they do is shout and want to pitch a fight.
“Stop judging me! I can spend all my cash.”
Little do they know, it’s gone in a flash.

After mounds of debt, they come knocking for advice.
Know they realize debt is like a bad case of lice.
Stop buying crap and pay down your debt.
Did you really need to buy a diamond necklace for your pet?
You’ll find your retirement money in your shoes to be sold.
Now sell all your stuff like your baseball hat and your mouth full of gold.
Your life is not over. You didn’t soil it.
But stop throwing money down the toilet.