How to decrease your productivity using technology! - Aridni
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How to decrease your productivity using technology!

No, you didn’t misread the title and technology does work for productive measures as well. But if you let it, you can seriously damage anything that resembles real work.

Here are a couple great ways that can help you to do less while giving you the psychological benefits as well as the physical appearance of working.

When you actually get into a project, wouldn’t it be great if there was some sort of an alarm or notification when you get a new email. You know just something to pull you out of the zone while demanding an immediate response.

Then once you have your email program open, perhaps then you could have a couple rss feeds that shoot right in. This demands immediate attention as well, those articles aren’t going to read themselves!! There could be a small to large number of precious time consuming links contained within or perhaps there are thoughts and ideas sparked that send you on a wild never ending goose chase. Don’t forget to check your stocks a couple times while you’re at it.

Later on down the road an hour or two you might get back to whatever you were supposed to have been working on.

The other option is to use technology to your advantage. Only use it when you can afford to. Turn off your email notifications, close your browser, and let’s get things done.