How Much Money is Rich? (Part two of three) - Aridni
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How Much Money is Rich? (Part two of three)

In the last article, we established that getting rich is simple, but not easy. We also defined what our goals are. They could be ten dollars in ten days, or it could have been one million dollars in ten years. Regardless of the monetary amount, we can’t sit around and wait for a miracle.

So now that you have your goal it’s time to move onto the next stage!

Set up a plan

Not only is this a no brainier for a step, but it is also easily neglected. If you don’t write down your plan, then what exactly are you following? Some wild thought in your head? I don’t think so buddy!

When your plan is solely in your head it is flexible. You need a flexible plan because life isn’t exactly a strait line from Point A to Point B; however, when your plan is solely in your head, it takes out a huge amount of accountability. It is really easy to modify things while they are still contained within the gray matter of your brain. And by that I mean it’s easy to make excuses when things don’t go your way.

So now your plan is to sell a million gadgets at a dollar profit each. Sounds good, but make sure you have a sales plan, a distribution plan, and possibly most importantly a backup plan.

Or perhaps you want to attain your million by investing your $1,000 in some stocks that are about to skyrocket. You would have to pick some real winners to make this goal work for you. I’m not saying that it can’t be done, but what I am saying is that you better have a backup plan as the odds are against you there!

Part of your plan must include that frightening b-word. That’s right you must have a budget. While it can be somewhat flexible, like your overall plan, it must not be so flexible that it snaps. By thinking this out beforehand, you will be in a position to foresee some of the obstacles that may come at you and be able to adequately handle them when they do happen.

A budget is really a financial plan, sometimes when things are worded differently you can get a completely new view. So don’t do a budget if you don’t want to. But if you don’t do a budget, at least get yourself a financial plan.

Now we’ve set up our plan including how we’re going to make money, as well as how we’re going to spend any money before we hit that million.