Save in a bank. Grow with investments. - Aridni
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Save in a bank. Grow with investments.

The only way to save is to put your money in the bank.
The only way to have your money grow is to invest.

What do you want your money to do? That’s a no brainier. Everyone wants it to expand, grow, multiply! I know I do. But some people don’t give it the fighting chance that it deserves.

The banks will hold your money for you. It will be federally insured and generally safe; however, your money will also just sit there. Every month you may get a quarter if you are lucky. So why not take your money somewhere that will give you a real return?

I generally like to invest in horse races, lotto tickets, and video poker. Oh wait, we’re trying to let our money GROW and not be squandered away chasing after false hopes and unrealistic dreams.

We need to take some risks to allow our money to grow, but the level is really up to the individual investor. If I want a little growth, with little risk then perhaps the larger blue chip stocks would be for me. If I want to go a little more on the potentially risky side with much larger returns, small cap city here I come!

This is one of those situations where you have to do as much homework as possible. How much of a safety net do you require? Don’t just throw your money at the first thing that comes to mind, do some research. The more you know about an investment, the more comfortable you will be with it.