Pick your money-making monopoly here - Aridni
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Pick your money-making monopoly here

We talk a lot about ideas for growing wealth. And if you stop to think about it, I’m pretty sure every plan of attack can break down into one of the four:

1. Business‘sell yourself, your product, your idea, or your services
2. Investing‘gaining bonds, growing interest, gambling stocks and CDs
3. Real estate‘I never thought of this method as a kid…own properties
4. Internet‘extend the possibilities. A lot of people are making fast money on brilliant ideas. Even less classy ideas like collegehumor.com has brought in millions for its authors

Don’t spend every minute and dime focusing on one of these money makers, though. I’ve been trying to think of anyone who’s wealthy that only used one of these methods. I can’t think of a soul. Therefore, diversify your avenues just as you diversify your stock portfolio.