Don’t be your own boss. Be your own shareholder. - Aridni
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Don’t be your own boss. Be your own shareholder.

When I think starting my own business I think of setting it up, getting some people to work there, and going off to do something else. However, many businesses don’t operate that way. The owner will start the business, be it a shop or a restaurant or whatever the operation entails and work like a dog everyday.

Sure you could do the work yourself and do a great job at it, but you could also higher a floor manager to order inventory, take care of customers, and handle all the problems. Of course you would still have things to check up on and orders such as finances to deal with.

The way I see it, the sooner you can get good people working on your projects, the less you have to worry about them. If you can run a business without running the business yourself, you are only a little ways away from opening up a second income producing shop.

Then you open up a third and your empire is well on it’s way!