Think big and spend small!! - Aridni
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Think big and spend small!!

The number one reason that small businesses fail is because they don’t have enough money. This is why I am advocating thinking big, while spending small.

Often when people think of business spending all kinds of ideas come up.  Personalized letterhead, pens with your company on it, an endless supply of office supplies and all sorts of costly things are associated with the idea of a business.

Let’s say for a moment that it is your business.  Do you need all of these holes in your limited cash supply? Of course not! You should impress your customers and clients with your hard work, and not with the things you have purchased.

Unlike Hollywood, the saying “Fake it till you make it”  does not apply to small business. You could quite possibly go broke before your company “makes it” if you go spending to give the illusion of success. That would be both unfortunate and ironic.

There are times when it is necessary for you to purchase things, but generally speaking it doesn’t hurt to cut out the foo-foo stuff. It’s almost always best to minimize your expenses whenever you can.