Making Millions is more than Me, Me, Me. (Where Todd and I have been over the past week) - Aridni
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Making Millions is more than Me, Me, Me. (Where Todd and I have been over the past week)

Forgive us, regular readers for our absence from Aridni last week. We weren’t reaching our million dollar goals, let alone sharing our journey and ideas with you. We’re back now’in full swing!’with some great lessons.

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Making millions is more than enriching our own lives. Focus on adding as much value to the world and other people as you can. Sometimes, we forget about others because we’re so focused on obtaining our own goals. (Did you remember Mother’s Day amongst $$ making strategies?) In order to strengthen ourselves, our money strategies have to increase the standard of living on earth.

You might be doing this already.

Before I felt determined to gain wealth, I spent a lot of time volunteering. Now I volunteer a few hours a month’maybe. Last week, a woman caught me off guard when I was fixing up a property. She was raising money for Relay for Life, an American Cancer Society fundraiser I used to heavily volunteer for. I had no money to give her and no time to spare. My husband, with the only available wallet, was gone. The paintbrush in my hand was drying out.

Since that day, I have been reading The One Minute Millionaire. I’m not done reading, though I’d already recommend it. In this book, current millionaires teach the aspiring how to build wealth and give 10 percent of every gain to charity. To grow a little, Aridni readers, we should give a little.

Make your path to wealth positive for other people, too. (And send your mom a really fantastic Mother’s Day gift if you got distracted with $$ in your eyes instead of her love.)