9 Wealth Secrets You Need to Know - Aridni
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9 Wealth Secrets You Need to Know

Last week, I stumbled upon an old paper with some scribbled notes in my childhood handwriting. In big bold letters, I had written, “WEALTH SECRETS” on the top of the page. I don’t know where I got these points, but they sure make sense. I’ve been thinking about these ideas ever since and wondering why I tucked them away for so long:

    1. No one has money problems; we only have attitude problems.

    2. Face your fears. After all, the best fishing holes hide in the places where the average fisherman feels afraid to go.

    3. Watch where the crowd goes. Go in the opposite direction.

    4. All opportunities are disguised as problems.

    5. Until you know value, everything is worthless.

    6. He who lives by the golden rule gets the gold, too.

    7. Money is attracted to great ideas.

    8. You are your wealth. The money that flows to you is just a by-product of your non-financial resources.

    9. There is no failure, only feedback.