How To Have Ten Thousand Ideas In Five Minutes. - Aridni
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How To Have Ten Thousand Ideas In Five Minutes.

Have you ever noticed that every time you get an idea, it is more than just one idea. You get a vision for an entire system. Of course all of the exact mechanics are not quite in place, but you can visualize them. And while you are thinking about one part of your idea, it seems to multiply and your options expand at an alarming rate. This is because ideas breed ideas.

I am sure that you have heard the phrase ‘success breeds success’ and that is fairly straightforward. If you have done something successful and proven yourself it will be easier to do another project that is successful as you will have much more recourses at your disposal.

Ideas can work in a somewhat similar way. If you have one idea, it can lead to many more if you would let it. And a great way to come up with more ideas is to work on one that already exists.

If you are listing ideas, have you ever noticed that you come up with around half of them on the spot while you are writing down the first half? Or simply by explaining a current idea to someone, not only will you come up with more as you clarify and expand, but the other person will generally have input.

If the person you are talking with is willing, your conversation will greatly expand your project idea or refine it until your idea has grown into a plethora of ideas that is still growing.

So write down your ideas. Let them evolve. Let them multiply. And of course, let them be developed before it is too late.