How to turn the worst into the best - Aridni
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How to turn the worst into the best

What one thing are you the worst at? Your new goal is to make that something that you are the best at. Okay so you don’t have to become the best at it, but your mission is to be great at it.

It doesn’t matter if you want to be able to solve complex mathematical equations, become a marketing guru, or simply make a perfect omelet every time. This should become your new passion. And in order to achieve it you need to do two things.

Practice and study… but that sounds boring when said like that, how about if you were to gain experience and wisdom! That is something that you might be more willing to strive for.

Of course it works best when it is something that you want to achieve as opposed to something you don’t particularly like. For example I was in band during high school and I didn’t strive to be an exceptional trumpet player by any means. I went to every practice after school and performed at every basketball, football, and volleyball game but I was still a sub-par player.

In almost the same amount of time that I spent showing up and going through the motions, I could have focused on my playing and come up with a goal to be 1st chair by the end of the year. Granted our section didn’t really have a competitive environment, it could have been a motivation to do better.

But now in my college’s food court there was a guy who could make some serious omelets. They were perfectly crafted and great tasting. So whenever there was an omelet day, his line would be huge. And with good cause as well.

Not much later I began attempting to cook them as well. At first there were a number of failures. There were egg flipping problems, burning problems, and who knows what else, let’s just say I had a few disasters on my hands. Since then I have spent time trying to emulate his techniques, and then even expanded upon them. Does this mean that I could beat him in an omelet throwdown? I don’t know, but it would be a close match!

I’m sure that there would be more productive things to become the best at instead of frying eggs and blowing on horns. Perhaps it’s your company that needs to improve things. So go figure out what you or your company is awful at and go turn that around!