Another one bites the dust… - Aridni
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Another one bites the dust…

Apparently I need to pay more attention to my own articles. Last night before going to bed I had three good ideas. I spent quite a bit of time thinking about each one and how I would go about it. They were great ideas, and there was no way I would forget them. In the morning I would get to work on them.

I’m sure you may have already guessed where this is going from here. I went to sleep and dreamed some dreams. A couple hours later I get up for the day only to find my dreams were gone.

I still had one lingering in my memory. This of course was the bigger idea. The one that is harder to accomplish because of the complicated idea. On top of that it was in a market with a huge rate of failure. Board games. Nonetheless I called up the friend who would have the highest interest and gave him some details. I don’t want that to go the way of it’s two completely unrelated brothers.

But what of these other ideas. Where did they go, and how can I get them back?

I could be a go-zillionaire by now and it’s only about 12 hours later.

All I would have had to do was scribble down some notes. Hopefully I will wise up and get the notepad that is sitting at the foot of my bed next time.