If it is to be then it’s up to me. - Aridni
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If it is to be then it’s up to me.

My grandmother used to say this statement quite often, “If it is to be, then it’s up to me.” Even after being told this phrase as a child, that business lesson that I have found to be true over the past six months that I’ve been working on Aridni; however it is not an all-powerful law.

It sure has helped to have a partner who will cover your back at times. But as that person is your partner you must be prepared to do the same for her.

It certainly helps to have a partner. We don’t lose interest often because there is always someone to bounce ideas off of. When you are in a rut the other person might come along with a great post about something that you had no clue whatsoever about, and ideas can stem off of this.

In the case of Aridni, Katie and I don’t necessarily share the same knowledge but we can pool it together to create something greater than two individually produced projects.

It’s great to have a partner. You still have to put in all the time and effort, but you know that someone else is working just as hard for the same goal. And that certainly has kept me motivated!