Measure your wealth compared to others; ignore for a minute that you haven’t had the chance to buy that discount washing machine yet - Aridni
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Measure your wealth compared to others; ignore for a minute that you haven’t had the chance to buy that discount washing machine yet

So here you and I are, feeling broker than we’ve ever been. Our salaries look nearly invisible, and everything goes toward rent, appliances, and furniture. Ever wonder if your wealth is actually growing?

The good thing is that this phase will change. We don’t need to buy microwaves and mattresses every year. And if you really want, you can put a plastic cover over your new couch so you’ll never need another one. If you want.

But when it comes to push and shove, where do you compare with your peers? I mean, I feel like you and I are nickel and diming it to climb to the top. Liz Pulliam Weston, a finance guru, recently reported the following on people in their 20’s:
– Median income for families is $27,726 (in our 30’s, it’ll be $48,000)
– Median net worth of $7,901
– 24.7% of us and our families have a negative net worth
– Median net worth of top 25% is $36,000
– Median net worth of top 10% is $119,300
– Median total debt of $20,800, of which $1,400 is on credit cards
– 31.8% of us have no health insurance’costs too much!

So how do you stand? I wonder how many of those people with a net worth of $119,300+ have been out washing machine shopping lately… not a sweet sight!